Yeah, I know that quite a few days have lapsed in between day '3' and '4'. I've been busy, but not even doing NaNoWriMo. I did get 377 words down, about 1 days work. And then the nitty-gritty of daily life came flooding back in an unbeatable tide. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, 8 1/2 hour work days, cooking, and trying to do God's will for my life. I need to change the order in which I do things, get back to God first. I started this post with the thought in mind that I'd post this picture.I think of it as..
"Please sir, I'd like some more."
I had just feed the dog, and he took a bite. Hubby just came home, so dogie had to go and see if he had any better. For quite some time our dog just followed him down the hall, expectantly waiting. In stead of putting just that paragraph up I feel more needs to be said. Like the dog getting distracted, I've let other things get my attention away from God. I need to make God my top priority again.