So I've been behind. I have been taking pictures, and thinking of things, and scribbling things, just no typing. Its been well over a month, probably best to start where I left of. Letsee, there was a beautiful sunrise...
- An Origami Money Bird with a large tail, #21
- The Lunar Eclipse, #22 & #23
- A sign with good advice, #24
- Sending off a friend to Iraq, #25
And that was Febuary (Izat Spelled Right?)
Now March.
- A flat tire outside Bennigan's, giving lots of time to take pics of the Roadhouse, #26
- And experiments with macro, on the same day, #27.
- A largish brown spot appeared below my eye, # 28.
- And then it snowed in Texas! #29
- The next day school opened late, and my dog refused to touch the snow, #30
- A few days later buds appeared on our tree, #31
- Then I saw some longhorn cattle on a detour home, #32.
Its a lot to one in one day, but I might be getting a second dog, so it was either catch up now or wait for an even longer period of time. Hopefully soon I'll get these up on Flickr, so that the larger size is available for viewing.