
Hiatus, over?

So the daily photo thing isn't working. I'm taking pictures, almost every day even. However, actually logging on and posting something, well that's another story.
Not a lot of anything going on right now. Work is long, trying to unpack and set to rights our house is confusing, which leaves evenings as a time to be cherished. Squirreling away time for piddling activities isn't easy.

Having said that, this is what I made yesterday and the day before.

It's called an 8 sided compass rose jar. Info and CP, or Crease Pattern, can be found here http://origami.oschene.com/archives/2006/03/05/the-8-sided-compass-rose-jar/ . Mr. Oschene, I think that's his name, created this fold as a varriation to the normal compas rose jar, which has 6 sides. Least, I think thats what the difference is. One of my jars is 6 sided, the one with a picture of a lady on it, though that happened by accident.

Each jar has a star inside, like so.

And the day before I made this.
Its a bat. No info as to creator, and I've long lost the link to the CP. Well this has been a long one and maybe that means I'll be doing more normal ones again soon, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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