
Harvest Moon

This pic didn't come out quite as I'd hope it would. The sky was overcast with large splotches of clouds. One clear opening of grayish-blue sky, with the moon glowing like a polished pearl centered in the middle. Maybe after messing with the software some I can bring out some of the colour and light that I saw this night.


I can't Sleep.

So I'm trying to go to sleep and it hits me there's like 3 things I need to do before I can sleep. So I do them. And just as I'm heading back to bed, I remember I still need to put up today's pic. I took pics of my dog, Simba, I even gave him a bath this afternoon and almost forgot to put up his pic.

He's such a good dog. We got him at the pound, I can't believe someone gave him up. He's housetrained, knows most commands, and is learing more quickly. So anyway~ thats my Simba.


365 is back.

So now that my camera's back, I'm back to this project. I have a bunch of new things around me, (I'm living in a new house!) and I got a dog. I haven't had a dog or any pet for so long, I'm so psyched. Later ya'll.

My camera's fixed!

Actually, it got replaced. The place of bussiness jerked me around until I finally got fed up. Customer Service is really untrained, but I got my camera back.

So anywho~ I've been itching to take a picture of this sigh by the side of the road for ages. Take a looksie.

I wonder how old this sign is.