

Hey every one! Its time for my favorite game. Extreme catch up time! Been a long time since my last personal post. I didn't upload anything in May, I haven't even organized any of the pictures I took in May.
We did keep the stray, His name is now Shorty. Pic# 38

We have no idea what mix of breeds he might be, even our vet just says, "well, he's a cute mutt!"
If you have an idea of what breed he may be let me know (I kinda wanna see what others think he is.
Our second dog, Dooley, (who we only had for a little while before the third) has settled in quite well. Pic #39We got him from Furever Friends, a local rescue agency. They said the was found running loose in a field, matted hair, burrs everywhere, thin as bones, and DIRTY! I believe 'em. His ribs were sticking out still when we got him. That was after a week of good feeding.
So now we permanently have 3 dogs in the house. I call them the 3 Headed Dog Hydra. I need to upload the vid of them in action. It truly is a mass of swirling dogs.

In other news, an old friend from MD came down to Texas. However his reasons for coming were different from past visitors. (J sorry I didn't get a pic of ya'll when you came down. I even had my camera in my hand at one point.)
He got engaged.Congrats Drew~n~Sarah!
Pic #40

Tata for now!


  1. Can't believe you have three dogs! One is enough for us. :) Love the picture of Drew and Sarah. Are y'all coming up this way anytime soon? You should come this week-- it's supposed to be in the 100s this week. You wouldn't need your coat! Hehe.

  2. Don't know when we'll come back, this month R has a work training in Colorado. We're taking a few days after to make it a mini vacation.
    I can't believe that it'll be 100 in MD.
