
Work in progress pt 9

“Shawn, with such a hang-dog expression, who couldn’t.” Ruth answered with a chuckle. “The rangers have two rooms for us to use tonight. Is that not so Senor Rosales?”
“Si Senora. It would be much to dark to head back to your camp quite soon. A hearty dinner will be available once you are refreshed and the lounge is available for your entertainment. The room for the ladies is down to the left, and the room for the gentlemen is here to the right.”

Later, in the fire lit warmth of the lounge.
“So, Alex, this latest yarn of yours seems to have a bit more body to it that some of you others.”
“You’re right, Tonya. I’ve been fiddling with this one for sometime.”
“He’s even been using me as a sounding board, and I think its pretty good.”
“Naturally you would, Ruth. Everything he does is golden in your eyes. I think two extremely rude, unyielding, smart mouths ought to check it out.” Shawn, smirked at Tonya.

“You know, Shawn, I think that’s a great idea” she smirked in return. The two of them rather enjoyed pointing out loops holes in their, good-intending, yet overly enthusiastic friend‘s stories. Generally the practice served to remind Alex that he shouldn’t quit his day job. Or so they thought…

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