
Work in Progress pt 6

Alex spit out the bite he was chewing.
“Eewww,” He used his sleeve to clean out his mouth, “yuck! This sandwich is old and moldy! Nasty! This must be a month old! WAIT! It’s a month old!”
Shawn and Tonya looked at Alex as if he were loosing his mind.
“Don’t you remember? I went mountain climbing last month, this sandwich is from last month, I didn’t clean out my pack. My grappling hook should still be in here!” He began to rummage again in his bag. He looked like some feral animal, all hunched over, and maniacal.
Quite suddenly, he jerked up his head. He had a huge grin on his face (he almost looked like the Joker)
“Guess what I found,” he said in an eerie singsong chant. Shawn and Tonya were almost afraid to ask. Alex pulled something out of his pack, held it against his stomach while he bent over it, and stared at them like a cobra hypnotizing its prey. He stood tall, held his treasure over his head, then called out triumphantly.
“I found my rope and grappling hook!”
The three were soon out of the cave and once again in the fresh air.

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